nginx rewrite url

As mentioned in Nginx pitfalls, rewrite regexes can slow things down. To redirect http traffic to https, you should use a 301 Moved Permanently redirect instead: server listen 80; return 301$request_uri; } server listen 443 ...

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  • Last week we published a blog about Creating NGINX Rewrite Rules. In this complementary bl...
    Convert Apache Rewrite Rules to NGINX Rewrite Rules | NGINX ...
  • As mentioned in Nginx pitfalls, rewrite regexes can slow things down. To redirect http tra...
    How do I Rewrite URL's in NGINX server block? | DigitalO ...
  • In this blog post, we discuss how to create NGINX rewrite rules (the same methods work for...
    How to Create NGINX Rewrite Rules | NGINX
  • The ngx_http_rewrite_module module is used to change request URI using PCRE regular expres...
    Module ngx_http_rewrite_module - nginx news
  • Update: see the comment below from Alan Orth about how to implement this in a much cleaner...
    nginx and rewriting based on GET-parameter (URL-parametersa ...
  • Nginx is running on port 80, and I'm using it to reverse proxy URLs with path /foo to ...
    Nginx reverse proxy + URL rewrite - Server Fault ...
  • rewrite 的语法 语法: rewrite regex replacement flag 默认: none 作用域: server, location, if This dir...
    nginx rewrite规则 - 陈国立 - 博客园
  • rewrite功能就是,使用nginx提供的全局变量或自己设置的变量,结合正则表达式和标志位实现url重写以及重定向。rewrite只能放在server},location},if...
    nginx配置location总结及rewrite规则写法 - Sean's Notes - ...
  • I'm in the process of reorganizing url structure. I need to setup redirect rules for s...
    rewrite - How to redirect single url in nginx? - Stack Overf ...
  • huge THANKS to the author of this post. i'd been searching on google how to do such a ...
    url rewriting - How to write a url rewrite in nginx? - Stack ...